
Minggu, Agustus 01, 2010


The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism to perform the shothole drilling to ensure its continuing suitability and controlled.
The scope of this process covers all aspects with shothole drilling operation, including field orientation, prepare water source, drilling and prepare preloading.
Interface documents are defined as MS documents that have direct links; either by reference, input or output. Interface documents with this Management Procedure are:
3.1 Level 1 – Management Manual Interfaces
• Management Manual
• QHSE Policy
3.2 Level 2 – Standard Operation Procedures
• Preloading Operation
• Shothole drilling & preloading field work
3.3 Level 3 – Work Instruction or Form interfaces
• Shothole drilling daily report
• Shothole drilling log
• Document retention and archive periods
Driller studies the survey map, line program, and sketch line the area.
Perhatikan peta program survei seismic, program lintasan yang harus dikerjakan dan sketsa lintasan.
Driller, Shoter and Crew coordinator conduct field orientation to ensure position of hole program, access, source of water, and potential problem operation.
Sebelum melakukan pemboran driller, koordinator bor dan shooter preloading melakukan orientasi lapangan untuk memastikan posisi-posisi lubang bor, akses jalan, sumber air pemboran dan kendala yang mungkin akan timbul.
On the no water sources area, driller prepare temporary water tank and make a planning use water tank and water relay. Driller shall get permit from owner if use water well.
Pada daerah yang tidak ada sumber air sama sekali segera dibuat perencanaan tampungan air dengan terpal, rencana penggunaan tangki air dan water relay. Mintalah ijin dahulu kepada pemiliknya bila diperlukan mengambil air dari sumur atau bendungan milik penduduk.
Driller ensure that quantity and quality of all equipment complete for one unit, including fuel and addatives will used.
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan di lintasan harus melakukan pengecekan Jumlah dan kondisi peralatan bor secara komplit untuk satu unit, stok bahan bakar dan minyak pelumas serta stok additive yang digunakan (bentonite dan polimer)
Driller ensure that number of crew is complete. None of crew have number exactly including their own support like water relay and preloading. All worker must use work and personal safety equipment.
Pastikan jumlah kru yang bekerja sesuai dengan ketentuan. Setiap 1 unit drilling terdiri dari sejumlah kru yang telah ditentukan, termasuk kru water relay dan kru preloading. Setiap pekerja harus dilengkapi perlengkapan kerja dan keselamatan.
Hardhats and work boots must be worn when working at all times.
Helem dan sepatu kerja harus selalu dipakai saat bekerja.
Driller ensures that SP will drilled is correct as program. All drilling station markers (shotpoints) are painted red
Pastikan posisi SP yang akan dikerjakan. Semua titik lubang bor bercat merah.
Any parts of lines that is missing more than 3 shot point markers in line must be resurveyed you must call Base camp and advise them to send the survey crew.
Setiap lintasan yang tanda patok SP nya hilang lebih dari 3 harus di survei ulang. Panggil Base Camp dan beritahukan agar dikirimkan kru survei.
Driller performs distance from SP position to nearest civil construction, comply with safety distance and considered surface condition and subsurface outcrop. If not safety, Driller will make offset or compensation hole.
Cek SP yang akan dikerjakan terhadap kondisi bangunan sekitar. Lihat tabel jarak aman. Perhatikan keadaan permukaan dan singkapan batuan sekitar. Bila tidak aman lakukan offset atau kompensasi.
All compensated or offset shot holes must be surveyed call base camp if required and the survey crew will be sent to your location.
Setiap lubang bor yang dikompensasi atau diofset harus disurvey lagi. Panggil base camp jika diperlukan dan kru survei akan dikirimkan ke lokasi anda.
Shot point markers must not be moved offset the drill location away from the marker do not move the marker.
Patok tanda SP tidak boleh dipindahkan walaupun lokasi bor dioffset dari patok SP, patok tersebut jangan dipindahkan.
The shotholes must be drilled within a 2 meter radius of the station marker (shotpoint).
Lubang tembak harus dibor dengan radius 2 meter dari titik tembak.
Try to walk along the seismic whenever possible. Don’t destroy the levy banks around the rice fields. Walk along the seismic line.
Usahakan hanya lewat lintasan seismic sebisa mungkin. Jangan merusak tanggul disekitar sawah. Berjalan disepanjang lintasan seismic saja.
All holes will be drilled using the two hole system. One big slush pit hole and one small hole for the cuttings.
Semua akan dibor memakai sistim dua lubang. Satu lubang besar untuk slush pit dan satu lubang untuk kating.
Drilling technic must comply with soil/rock formation. Drilling perform with correct technic, including using drill bit, addative (polymer,mud, etc.), or washing. Change the drill bit or any equipment if not comply it.
Lakukan teknis pemboran seusai kondisi batuan. Selama pemboran berlangsung harus dilakukan teknik pemboran yang benar, baik penggunaan jenis mata bor, bahan kimia (polimer ) dan teknik pembersihan lubang bor. Ganti peralatan bila tidak sesuai.
See drill cutting carefully. Drill log reported every 5 (five) m depth.
Perhatikan cutting bor. Catat kondisi bawah kedalaman setiap 5 (lima) m kedalaman.
All shot holes must be drilled as per contract depth meters.
Semua lubang bor harus dibor seperti tercantum dalam kontrak. .
Any adjacent shot hole with a stuck charge one of the shot holes must be re-drilled. Offset 7 meters from the first hole and drill the second hole mark the holes as hole A and hole B
Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak secara otomatis harus di bor ulang. Offset 7 m dari lubang pertama dan bor lubang kedua dan beri tanda sebagai lubang A dan lubang B. Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak harus di bor ulang.
All shot holes that can not be drilled to the contract depth you must have approval from the QC Supervisor before any such hole is loaded
Setiap lubang bor yang tidak dapat dibor sesuai kedalaman pada kontrak harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari senior JOB-PPEJ QC Supervisor sebelum dilakukan pengisian.
Withdraw pipe must be conducted with correct technic and comply with rock formation.
Pencabutan pipa bor harus dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar sesuai dengan kondisi batuan dalam lubang.
Any oil or gas shows must be reported immediately by radio. Move your men well away from the hole, move up wind. Do not go back to the hole until the drilling supervisor arrived from base camp with the HSE people.
Jika ada tanda – tanda minyak atau gas segera laporkan lewat radio. Pindahkan semua orang ke tempat yang aman, berlawanan arah angin. Jangan kembali ke lubang tersebut sampai supervisor drilling dan orang HSE tiba dari base camp.
Driller ensure that preloading crew is ready before withdrwing pipe.
Pastikan regu preloading sudah siap ditempat sebelum pencabutan pipa.
All slush pits must be back filled after the drilling is completed at the shot point.
Semua lubang slas pit harus ditutup kembali setelah selesai dibor.
When the drilling crew have completed the shothole, they must all move away from the shothole taking with them all hot equipment, which includes power rig, mud pump and fuel containers, other equipment can remain, however it must be moved away from the hole giving the preloading crew clear access.
Pada saat drilling selesai mengebor lubang, mereka harus menjauh dari posisi lubang tersebut dengan membawa semua peralatan mereka yang panas, termasuk power rig, mud pump dan tangki-tangki minyak, alat – alat yang lain bisa tinggal, namun harus tetap jauh dari lubang sehingga tidak menghalangi kru preloaing.

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