Kamis, Oktober 07, 2010
HSE dan Medik
Dalam opersional seismik medik biasanya masuk dalam satu komando departemen HSE. Seorang safety harus memahami prosedur kerja pekerjaan, kondisi-kondisi tidak aman,lingkungan sekitar yang mempengaruhi segala aspek dalam pekerjaan seismik. hendaknya seorang safety tidak hanya memberi peraturan, tetapi menekankan kepada pekerja bahwa keselamatan dalam bekerja adalah milik dari seorang pekerja. Medik mengawasi dan merawat pekerja yang mengalami sakit karna penyakit ataupun akibat kecelakaan dalam bekerja. apalagi didalam operasional seismik terlibat ratusan bahkan bisa mencapai seribu pekerja, hingga dapat memungkinkan penyakit menular dapat dengan mudah menyebar ke seluruh pekerja. disinilah tugas seorang medik untuk dapat mencegah dan mengobati secara cepat, akurat dalam mengambil tindakan secara medis.
Rabu, September 29, 2010
Komunikasi sistem
Komunikasi merupakan alat untuk mentransfer informasi program yang dilakukan, dari basecamp menuju field exploration, sistem komunikasi sangat penting dalam survey seismik, apalagi bila survey seismik dilakukan di daerah yang masih belum terjamah oleh masyarakat lokal. Menjadikan sistem komunikasi menjadi barang yang langka, adapun sistem komunikasi yg sering kita lakukan menggunakan Radio:


Selasa, September 28, 2010
Supply Logistik
Salah satu yang sangat terpenting dalam operation seismik, mengenai makanan. supply makanan ke basecamp, flycamp, stagging, camp builder, crew topography. banyak kendala yang dihadapi ketika operasional BAMA (bahan makanan) yang akan dikirim mengalami keterlambatan, hal tersebut terjadi di karenakan persediaan di gudang habis sedangkan lokasi survey sangat jauh dari pemukiman penduduk. Adapun kendala cuaca, banyak terjadi ketika survey di hutan, transportasi yang minim hanya dapat terjangkau dengan chopper.


Peralatan drilling compressor dan Jackro
Peralatan drilling Compressor + Jackro
1 Drilling Compresor Unit + Jacro 150
(Lengkap + Mud Pump Honda GX-270)
2 Water Relay (4 Unit Water Relay)
(Lengkap dengan Slank 2000 Kilometer)
3 Premium u/. 4 Unit Compresor
4 Olie Engine Compresor ( Mesran SAE 40)
5 Olie ATF 4 (u/. Olie Compresor)
6 Olie Hidrolig Jacro 150 (Sheel Telus 10)
7 Sabun / Rinso untuk 4 Unit
8 Polimer
9 Jerigen (20 Liter)
10 Mata Bor Trifus 2 15/16
11 Hummer Bit Bullrock (2 15/16) 9Tipe BR-2)
12 Mata Bor Drag Bits ( 2 15/16 ' )
1 Drilling Compresor Unit + Jacro 150
(Lengkap + Mud Pump Honda GX-270)
2 Water Relay (4 Unit Water Relay)
(Lengkap dengan Slank 2000 Kilometer)
3 Premium u/. 4 Unit Compresor
4 Olie Engine Compresor ( Mesran SAE 40)
5 Olie ATF 4 (u/. Olie Compresor)
6 Olie Hidrolig Jacro 150 (Sheel Telus 10)
7 Sabun / Rinso untuk 4 Unit
8 Polimer
9 Jerigen (20 Liter)
10 Mata Bor Trifus 2 15/16
11 Hummer Bit Bullrock (2 15/16) 9Tipe BR-2)
12 Mata Bor Drag Bits ( 2 15/16 ' )
Komposisi kru compressor + dengan 4 unit jackro
Dephi pump, water relay |
Jackro drill |
Kohler compressor |
Deterjen |
Preloading dan tumping
Setelah crew drilling menyelesaikan pengeboran, crew preloading siap memasukan explosive (dayagel, danage, atau miniseis), berikut langkah kerja yang dilakukan pada saat preloading dan tumping::
Kru shooter menyediakan Lastok |
Kru shooter membersihkan lobang drill |
Explosive telah dirangkai oleh shooter |
Kru dan shooter memasukan explosive |
Tumping dilakukan dg menambahkan rumput (preloading dan tumping) |
Prosedur tumping
1. Air dalam lubang dibuang dengan menggunakan paralon
2. Masukkan rumput dengan menggunakan lastok cabang sampai kedalaman 12 m (4 Lastok)
3. Masukkan pasir/tanah kering secara baik, di rojok hati-hati supaya kabel detonator tidak tergesek.
4. Masukkan kembali rumput-rumput.
5. Masukan kembali pasir/tanah kering secara baik dan dirojok, sampai padat.
6. Lakukan pemasukan rumput dan pasir/tanah kering secara berselingan sampai kepermukaan lubang minimal 2 saf rumput dan 2 saf pasir/tanah kering
7. Setelah lubang ditumping, Check kabel Detonator menggunakan cap tester
8. “Aktif” Masukan kabel deto diantara rumput-rumput sedalam 40 cm
2. Masukkan rumput dengan menggunakan lastok cabang sampai kedalaman 12 m (4 Lastok)
3. Masukkan pasir/tanah kering secara baik, di rojok hati-hati supaya kabel detonator tidak tergesek.
4. Masukkan kembali rumput-rumput.
5. Masukan kembali pasir/tanah kering secara baik dan dirojok, sampai padat.
6. Lakukan pemasukan rumput dan pasir/tanah kering secara berselingan sampai kepermukaan lubang minimal 2 saf rumput dan 2 saf pasir/tanah kering
7. Setelah lubang ditumping, Check kabel Detonator menggunakan cap tester
8. “Aktif” Masukan kabel deto diantara rumput-rumput sedalam 40 cm
Senin, September 20, 2010
Kehumasan sangat penting dalam kegiatan seismic di darat, apalagi bila kegiatan seismic dilakukan di daerah padat penduduk. Pendekatan kepada tokoh masyarakat, LSM, struktur pemerintahan daerah, aparat keamanan, harus di lakukan secara konfrehensif. Memberikan informasi yang benar dan jelas kepada masyarakat mengenai kegiatan seismic yang dilakukan di daerah tersebut. Tim Humas harus memahami karakteristik dan adat istiadat daerah yang akan di lakukan survey, bila tidak kemungkinan akan terjadi kesalahpahaman anatara tim survey dangan masyarakat. Banyak survey seismic gagal di laksanakan dikarenakan tim humas yang tidak solid, dan kurang memahami adat istiadat daerah yang akan di lakukan survey.
Tim humas, menjelaskan kepada penduduk yg menstop survey |
Seorang ibu menolak survey seismik, desa pengkol, Jombang |
Selasa, Agustus 03, 2010
Batuan Sedimen ( sedimentory rocks)
Batuan sedimen adalah batuan yang terjadi karena pengendapan materi hasil erosi. sekitar 80% permukaan benua tertutup batuan sedimen, waluapun volumnya hanya sekitar 5% dari volum kerak bumi.
a) Klasifikasi Batuan Sedimen
Berdasarkan tenaga yang mengangkut hasil pelapukan dan erosi batuan sedimen dapat digolongkan atas 3 bagain :
a) Sedimen Aquatis, yaitu sedimen yang diendapkan oleh tenaga air. contohnya : gosong pasir, flood plain, delta, dan lain-lain.
b) Sedimen Aeolis atau Aeris, yaitu sedimen yang diendapkan oleh tenaga angin. contohnya : tanah loss, sand dunes.
c) Sedimen Glassial, yaitu sedimen yang diendapkan oleh gletser. contohnya morena, drimlin
Materi partikel ada yang kasar dua ada yang halus cara pengangkutan bermacam-macam, ada yang terdorong (trection), terbawa secara melompat-lompat (saltion, terbawa dalam duspensi, ada pula yang (solution).
Berdasarkan terbentuknya (lingkungan pengendapan ), batuan sedimen dibagi menjadi dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu :
a. Sedimen laut (marine), diendapkan di laut contohnya batu gamping, dolomit, napal, dan sebagainya.
b. Sedimen darat (teristris/kontinen), prosesnya terjadi di darat, misalnya endapan sungai (aluvium), endapan danau, talus, koluvium, endapan gurun (aeolis), dan sebagainya.
c. Sedimen transisi, lokasi pembentukanya terletak antara darat dan laut, misalnya endapan delta dan endapan rawa-rawa (limnis).
Berdasarkan kedalamnya, laut dibagi menjadi beberapa zona (bathymetric zone), zona litoral, yaitu Zona Transisi yang terletak pada daerah pasang surut, Zona Epineritik, yaitu, dari batas daerah surut sampai kedalaman 50m, Zona Neritik (50-200m), Zona Bathial (200-2000m), dan Zona Abysal (>2000m).
Penggolongan batuan sedimen yang didasarkan pada cara pengendapannya, dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 3 macam, yaitu :
a. Sedimen Klastis
Kata clastik berasal dari bahas Yunani yaitu klatos yang artinya pecahan. Jadi, sedimen klastik adalah adalah akumulasi partikel-partikel yang berasal dari pecahan batuan dan sisa-sisa kerangka organisme yang telah mati. Penamaan batuan ini um,umnya berdasarkan pada besar butirnya, yaitu sebagai berikut :
Ukuran butir >256 mm disebut boulder atau bongkah (bongkah konglomerat)
Ukuran butir 64-256 mm disebut cobble atau kerakal (karakal konglomerat)
ukuran butir 4-64 mm) disebut pebble atau kerikil (kerikil konglomera)
Ukuran butir 2-4 mm disebut granule (batu pasir kasar)
Ukuran butir 1/16-2 mm disebut batu pasir
Ukuran butir 1/256-1/16 mm disebut batu lanau
Ukuran butir <1/256 mm disebut batu lempung
Beberapa betuan endapan kadang-kadang terbentuk dari bahan-bahan fosil. Dengan demikian suatu batuan yang ada fosil binatang jelas bukan merupakan batuan beku, melainkan batuan endapan.
b. Sedimen Kimia
Batuan sedimen kimiawi yaitu yang terangkut dalam bentuk larutan kemudian diendapkan secara kimia di tempat lain. Endapan kimia juga berasal dari sumber air panas dan secara tiba-tiba mengalami pendinginan akan menghasilkan endapan oval (kalsit).
Contoh : Evaporasi dari air laut dan air danau, batuan sedimen kimiawi
Batu tetes (Stalaktit & stalakmit), yang banyak dijumpai dari gua bawah tanah di daerah kapur.
CO2+ H2O → H2CO3; H2CO3+ CaCO3… Ca (HCO3)2
Ca (HCO3)2→ CaCO3+ H2O + CO2
Lapisan garam, suatu lapisan yang terbentuk dari mineral-mineral halit /
NaCl yang di endapkan di dasar laut atau dasar danau-danau garam karena
HCL + NaOH → NaCL + H2O
c. Sedimen Organik
Batuan sedimen organik /orgasen, yaitu batuan sediemn yang dibentuk
atau diendapkan oleh organisme.
Ciri-ciri batuan sedimen :
Pada umumnya berlapis-lapis ,
Lebih lunak, ringan dan berwarna terang,
Tempat utama fosil.
Contoh: Batu bara terbentuk dari timbunan sisa-sisa tumbuhan di dasar danau (rawa-rawa, berubah menjadi menjadi gambut, selanjutnya menjadi batu bara muda/batu bara).
b) Pengangkutan dan pengendapan
Endapan diangkut melalui banyak cara. Mungkin meluncur pada suatu lereng bukit atau mungkin dibawa melalui angin, glacier atau oleh aliran air.Pada saat ini endapan dapat diangkut melalui peluncuran atau penggelindingan menuruni bukit, yang hasilnya berupa sebuah campuran partikel dengan berbagai
ukuran. Dalam proses pengangkutan partikel-partikel endapan melalui angin atau air, terjadi pengendapan ketika air mengalir atau pergerakan angin secara perlahan lahan menurun pada suatu kecepatan dimana partikel partikel tidak dapat bergerak lagi. Endapan kasar menunjukan endapan yang berasal dari angin atau air, endapan halus menunjukan bahwa endapan disebabkan oleh air dan angin yang bergerak secara perlahan ,atau hanya endapan halus yang tersedia untuk diangkut.
Terdapatnya lautan kuno, pesisir, danau, sungai kecil, rawa dan tempat-tempat lainnya dimana endapan tersebut terakumulasi,dapat pula dijadikanpetunjuk tentang terdapatnya batuan endapan.
c) Diagenesis
Diagenesis merupakan suatu istilah yang dipergunakan untuk menyatakan terjadinya suatu perubahan (transformasi) betuk dari bahan deposit menjadi suatu batuan endapan.Calsium Carbonate adalah salah satu dari beberapa jenis semen, tetapi silikat juga dapat mengikat butiran secara bersama menjadi bentuk sebuah
partikel yang keras.
d) Sifat Batuan Sedimen.
d) Sifat Batuan Sedimen.
1. Stratifikasi
Stratifikasi sdimen adalah hasil dari sebuah penyusunan lapisan partikel yang berupa endapan atau batuan endapan. Pelapisan merupakan suatu hal yangsangat penting pada batuanseimen, batuan vulkanik dan metamorf.
2. Sortasi
Akibat yang menyolok dari pengangkutan partikel partikel oleh aliran air atau aliran angin adalah penyortiran terjadi akibat spesivic gravity (perbandingan anatara berat dari sebuah volume material terhadap berat dari volume satu kubik air).
Partikel batuan dan butir-butiran mineral yang mempunyai sifat mudah pecah mungkin dapat diabaikan. Sedangkan yang tahan benturan akan terus terbawa oleh aliran. Pada umumnya yang dapat bertahan adlah kuarsa, hal ini dikarenakan kuarsa mempunyai sifat yang keras dan sedikit pecahannya.
3. Lapisan Sejajar (paralel Starata)
Lapisan lapisan dari endapan dapat dibagi dalam 2 kelas didasarkan atas sifat sifat geometrik, yaitu : (1) Lapisan Sejajar dan (2) lapisan yang tidak sejajar/cross strata. Lapisan sejajar adalah lapisan yang sejajar antara satu dengan lainnya. Lapisan ini disebabkan oleh deposit air. Perubahan deposisi tersebut disebabkan adanya pasang surutnya air yang mengalir.
4. Bentuk Silang (Cross Strata)
Bentuk silang adalah bentuk yang membengkok (cenderung miring) dengan kecenderungan menuju lapisan yang lebih tebal. Bentuk silang pada umumnya terlihat pada delta delta sungai, bukit bukit pasir, pantai pantai dan endapan sungai. Bentukan tersebut dapat terjadi jika terdapat lubang lubang pada lapisannya, sehingga akan di isi oleh deposit baru yang akan membentuk lapisan silang.
e) Manfaat Batuan Sedimen.
•Untuk bahan dasar bangunan (gypsum)
•Untuk bahan bakar (batu bara)
•Untuk Pengeras jalan (batu gamping)
•Untuk Pondasi rumah (batu gamping)
Batuan Sedimen adalah batuan beku atau metamorf yang mengalami proses litifikasi yaitu proses kompaksi dan sementasi. Jenis-jenis Batuan Sedimen antara lain yaitu:
1. Breksi
Breksi memiliki butiran-butiran yang bersifat coarse yang terbentuk dari sementasi fragmen-fragmen yang bersifat kasar dengan ukuran 2 hingga 256 milimeter. Fragmen-fragmen ini bersifat runcing dan menyudut. Fragmen-fragmen dari Breksi biasanya merupakan fragmen yang terkumpul pada bagian dasar lereng yang mengalami sedimentasi, selain itu fragmen juga dapat berasal dari hasil longsoran yang mengalami litifikasi.
Komposisi dari breksi terdiri dari sejenis atau campuran dari rijang, kuarsa, granit, kuarsit, batu gamping, dan lain-lain.
Komposisi dari breksi terdiri dari sejenis atau campuran dari rijang, kuarsa, granit, kuarsit, batu gamping, dan lain-lain.
Konglomerat hampir sama dengan breksi, yaitu memiliki ukuran butir 2-256 milimeter dan terdiri atas sejenis atau campuran rijang, kuarsa, granit, dan lain-lain, hanya saja fragmen yang menyusun batuan ini umumnya bulat atau agak membulat.
Pada konglomerat, terjadi proses transport pada material-material penyusunnya yang mengakibatkan fragmen-fragmennya memiliki bentuk yang membulat
Pada konglomerat, terjadi proses transport pada material-material penyusunnya yang mengakibatkan fragmen-fragmennya memiliki bentuk yang membulat
Sandstone atau batu pasir terbentuk dari sementasi dari butiran-butiran pasir yang terbawa oleh aliran sungai, angin, dan ombak dan akhirnya terakumulasi pada suatu tempat. Ukuran butiran dari batu pasir ini 1/16 hingga 2 milimeter. Komposisi batuannya bervariasi, tersusun terutama dari kuarsa, feldspar atau pecahan dari batuan, misalnya basalt, riolit, sabak, serta sedikit klorit dan bijih besi. Batu pasir umumnya digolongkan menjadi tiga kriteria, yaitu Quartz Sandstone, Arkose, dan Graywacke.
Sandstone atau batu pasir terbentuk dari sementasi dari butiran-butiran pasir yang terbawa oleh aliran sungai, angin, dan ombak dan akhirnya terakumulasi pada suatu tempat. Ukuran butiran dari batu pasir ini 1/16 hingga 2 milimeter. Komposisi batuannya bervariasi, tersusun terutama dari kuarsa, feldspar atau pecahan dari batuan, misalnya basalt, riolit, sabak, serta sedikit klorit dan bijih besi. Batu pasir umumnya digolongkan menjadi tiga kriteria, yaitu Quartz Sandstone, Arkose, dan Graywacke.
Graywacke adalah salah satu tipe dari batu pasir yang 15% atau lebih komposisinya adalah matrix yang terbuat dari lempung, sehingga menghasilkan sortasi yang jelek dan batuan menjadi berwarna abu-abu gelap atau kehijauan.
5. Limestone
Limestone atau batu gamping adalah batuan sedimen yang memiliki komposisi mineral utama dari kalsit (CaCO3). Teksturnya bervariasi antara rapat, afanitis, berbutir kasar, kristalin atau oolit. Batu gamping dapat terbentuk baik karena hasil dari proses organisme atau karena proses anorganik. Batu gamping dapat dibedakan menjadi batu gamping terumbu, calcilutite, dan calcarenite.
6. Gamping terumbu
Batu Gamping terumbu terbentuk karena aktivitas dari coral atau terumbu pada perairan yang hangat dan dangkal
Senin, Agustus 02, 2010
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan GPS RTK?
RTK memiliki kepanjangan Real Time Kinematik, artinya koordinat titik dapat kita peroleh secara Real time dalam Koordinat UTM ataupun Lintang dan Bujur tanpa melalui pemrosesan baseline. Metode RTK ini berbeda dengan metode Statik, Karena pada metode statik koordinat baru diperoleh setelah dilakukan pemrosesan baseline (Post Processing). GPS RTK memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi yaitu dalam fraksi centimeter (1-5 cm).
GPS RTK Terdiri atas apa saja?
Setiap pengukuran koordinat titik menggunakan GPS metode RTK, harus menggunakan minimal 2 buah alat GPS yang memiliki fungsi sebagai :
a. Base :
Pada alat GPS yang berfungsi sebagai base, maka alat GPS Tidak digerakkan posisinya ( diam).Base didirikan diatas titik yang sudah diketahui secara pasti nilai koordinatnya( misal: didirikan diatas titik Bakosurtanal Orde 0) dan koordinat titik bakosurtanal tersebut diinputkan dalam alat GPS base.
b. Rover :
Pada alat GPS yang berfungsi sebagai rover, Posisi GPS dapat digerakkan sesuai dengan detil yang diinginkan oleh surveyor (misal pada pengukuran persil tanah, maka rover didirikan pada pojok pojok bidang tanah)
Apa yang menghubungkan antara base dan Rover ?
Yang menghubungkan antara base dan rover adalah SInyal radio. Sinyal radio berfungsi untuk memancarkan nilai koreksi dari base ke rover. Saat ini, sinyal radio bisa dipancarkan menggunakan berbagai macam cara yaitu menggunakan Antena radio , GSM , ataupun sinyal internet. Jika menggunakan Antena radio, maka diusahakan sebelum pengukuran, frekwensi radio di base dan rover sudah disamakan terkebih dahulu.Antenna radio hanya mampu memancarkan sinyal sejauh 3 km saja ( Jika lebih jauh maka bisa digunakan alat repeater)
Bagaimana mengeset alat GPS RTK ?
Alat yang utama dalam GPS RTK adalah Receiver GPS, Pada alat ini terdapat beberapa slot yang menghubungkan kabel ke beberapa perlengkapan pendukung GPS. Selain itu pada alat ini juga terdapat Card yang mampu menyimpan data hasil perekaman satelit ( dalam format RINEX atau DAT).
Pada gambar dibawah ini disajikan receiver GPS merek Trimble beserta peralatan pendukung GPS :
Keterangan :
1.ANtena GPS : berfungsi menangkap sinyal satelit
2. Receiver GPS : Tempat perekaman data ke dalam card.
3. Controller GPS : untuk melakukan setting Job, configurasi, dan pengukuran GPS
4. Modem Radio : menghubungkan antara antenna radio dan receiver GPS
5. Baterai Eksternal : SUmber tenaga untuk receiver GPS
6. Aki : SUmber tenaga untuk modem radio
Apa saja Kegunaan GPS RTK ?
Aplikasi yang dilayani oleh GPS RTK cukup beragam diantaranya adalah Stake Out, Penentuan dan rekonstruksi batas persil tanah, Survei pertambangan, Survei rekayasa, dan aplikasi lainnya yang membutuhkan posisi titik koordinat secara cepat dan dalam ketelitian centimeter.
Perkembangan GPS RTK saat ini?
Karena untuk melakukan pengukuran GPS RTK, harus digunakan minimal 2 alat GPS(base dan Rover) dimana satu alat GPS saja memiliki harga yang terbilang mahal ( 150 juta – 300 juta). Maka saat ini dikembangkanlah GPS CORS yaitu suatu GPS yang memiliki fungsi sebagai base yang dapat menangkap sinyal satelit secara kontinu dalam 24 jam.
Untuk tingkat Universitas, GPS CORS SUdah dimiliki oleh Teknik geodesi UGM, ITS, dan ITB.1 buah alat GPS CORS dapat memancarkan sinyal radio sejauh 20 km.Rencana nya BPN akan membeli alat CORS ini sebanyak 30 buah untuk mencover wilayah di Sumatra dan Jawa. Data CORS ini kemudian dapat diakses secara umum, sehingga setiap perusahaan dapat mendownload data GPS CORS dari BPN sebagai Base, dan setiap instansi cukup membeli 1 GPS saja yang difungsikan sebagai rover tanpa harus membeli 1 GPS lagi sebagai base.
Demikian penjelasan dari saya mengenai GPS RTK, semoga membantu rekan2 untuk lebih mendalami ilmu geodesi terutama di bidang GPS RTK.
Modul-modul RTK:
Minggu, Agustus 01, 2010
An HSE Management System is a reflection of the objectives of an enterprise and the manner in which these objectives are to be met as laid down by its senior management Achievement of the hazard management objectives will be realized through the setting up of an organization in which responsibility is assigned and to which resources are provided. The standards and procedures through which the objectives will be met are defined by those with the necessary expertise. The implementation of standards is monitored through periodic audits. Such audits are reviewed by management who may initiate system changes to facilitate improvement. The system is additionally made live through loops which feedback improvements and corrections at all stage.
HSE Policy is representing the unity from POLICY OF QUALITY AND HSE ( Quality and HSE Policy ) from the company like the one that has been seen in attachment A : QHSE Policy.
Objectively, in doing some work activities, the targets that we want are zero accident, zero injury, and zero of troubles to the environment. Those three matters are representing company’s commitment in doing every project. To gaining those matters aren’t easy, it need some system and some good cooperation between the workers and the management.
Policy guidelines on health, safety and the environment
It is the policy of Company to conduct their activities in such a way as to take foremost account of the health and safety of their employees and of other persons, and to give proper regard to the conservation of the environment. They aim to be among the leaders in their respective in these matter
Company seek to conduct their activities in such aways as to avaoid harm to the health af to their employees and others, and to promote, as appropriate, the health of their employees.
Company work on the principle that all injuries should be prevented and actively promote among all those associated with their activities the high standards of safety consciousness and discipline that this principle demands.
Company will :
Aim to provide product and services supported with practical advice which, when used in accordance with this advise, will not cause injury or effect on the environment.
Promote protection of environments which may be affected by the development of their activities
and seek continues improvement in efficiency of use of natural resources and energy.
1.2 Common HSE aspects
Company will :
Assess health, safety environmental aspect before entering into new activities and reassess them incase of significant change in circumstances
Require contractors working on their behalf to apply health, safety and environmental standards fully compatible.
Develop and contingency procedure, in co-operation with authorities and emergencies services, in order to minimize harm from any accidents.
Development of improved regulations and industry standards which relate to health, safety and environmental matters.
Conduct or support research towards the improvement of health, safety and environmental aspects of their products, processes and operation
Hereinafter, to reach that objective goal, it formulated on the “Peraturan Dasar Keselamatan Kerja“ like the one that can be seen in attachment B :
The company must determining, documenting and announcing the responsibility, the authority and also the relating accountability which needed to implement the HSE Management System. The foundation of an HSE-MS is leadership and commitment from the top management of the company, and its readiness to provide adequate resources for HSE matters. Special attention is given by the Top of The Management in showing their real commitment, for example with:
Allocating the necessary resources, such as time and money, on HSE matters.
Putting HSE matters as the highest on the agenda of meeting from the board downwards
Setting personnel example in a day-to-day work
Being active in HSE activities and reviews, at both local and remote site .
Encourage the employees to give some ideas for performances steps repair.
Showing the special personnel as the Safety Officer whose undertaking as:
The special coordinator in implementing the HSE Management System and environmental conservancy which applied to all office staff as well as site workers. Applying for the field workers were started from the line supervisor and the field staff
Has responsible to control the implementation on the field in every day / week or every month, and also gives some guidance to all field employees from the supervisor until the helper. /.
Company Organization Structure can be seen in the attachment C
HSE Implementation is communicated to the workers by promoting the work culture in the company which supporting to the better HSE Management System performance attainment, where the HSE Management System can function effectively. In increasing the HSE Management System by pushing the cultural creation trusts on each other, by giving some motivation, by participating and commit:
In increasing the Company HSE Management System by growing the belief with trust attitude on each other, do not behave to blame is very effective for implement the HSE Management System..
Give some motivation to increase the HSE Management System Performances in individual ways based on the awareness and congeniality, and give some positive congeniality to emphasize the expected behavior and attitude.
The workers participation in every level by looking their opinion along with their involvement in developing the HSE Management System, and to provoke the input for the repair proposal.
The commitment from the workers in all levels is very important, so that the HSE Management System can be effectively functioned, start from growing the belief, giving some motivation and also participate actively.
The Company has already make the documentation of Standard Operation Procedure ( SOP ) and Work Instruction for every aspect of operation activity.
Management process of hazard and risk consist of 4 ( four ) steps:
o Systematic hazard identification.
o Evaluation for level of hazard
o Applying of Financial Control.
o The planning for Restoration.
This process is using a line of questions from every activity that has been done.
The data from every activity line can assert that those data has already loaded all of the activities which happened / has already done in some work. The risk and the danger management is poured in detail in Hazard Identification Risk And Risk Control (HIRARC).
For the planning phase of an operation can be effective, it should concern itself with the prevention of incidents through the elimination or control of hazards and the mitigation of consequences should the hazardous even occur. It follows that a process needs to be followed to systematically identify and assess hazards and develop the controls to manage those, which can not be eliminated.
This can be achieved by:
Using the developing company policies, standard and procedures
o Making a scouting visit to assess the situation on the field.
o Study of legislation and supporting approved codes of practice.
o A through analysis of the particular operation.
o A study of accident, incident and ill health data from previous operations.
6.1. Operation plan
Experience has shown that HSE performance can be optimized through a structured planning process, which includes :
o Comprehensive operational pre-planning incorporating HSE measures to manage identified hazards.
o Verification of equipment safety standard before operation start-up.
o Verifying that an effective HSE Management System is in place before start –up.
o An HSE management training programme aimed at senior line management and direct supervisor. This training would include such topics as Job Hazard Analysis, Unsafe Act Auditing, Safety Training Observation Programme, Waste management and an understanding of factors, which affect behavior.
o Regular Audit and inspection from management according to planned schedule and focusing on HSE Management.
6.2. HSE plan
Effective planning is essential for all aspects of the business, with plans based upon known and researched information, and reasoned assumptions. A plan for sustained improvement is contained in the HSE plan..
The HSE Management System will set out the targets and the ways to gain it, to identify the parties which act along with specify the sighting process..
The HSE Plan is developed from such things as :
o Requirements carried over from the previous year’s plan.
o Audit and inspection findings.
o Incident findings.
o Accident investigation findings.
o HSE Suggestions from the employee .
o Management review action items
6.3. HSE Targets
It is essential to set HSE targets that are accepted by management and employees as achievable. Typically, a progressively reducing target is set., which in the long term will lead to accident free performance. Realistic targets can only be set after assessing the scope of work for the period under review and allocating tasks to manage such work. The only way to reach a HSE target is to manage effectively risks, which threaten its achievement. Effective management demands that hazards and their controls shall, so far as possible, be addressed in the planning process.
Staff reports shall include HSE-related targets or tasks against which performance can be measured. These should be cascaded down from departments should nor be demanded without giving individuals the tools to do the job, such as training and proper equipment.
Com pany will ensure that all any PPE that is provided and or used will be:
o Appropriate
o Of good quality
o In sufficient quantity
The requirement for any additional protective equipment is continually assessed by the employees and line supervisor. All PPE complies with recognized national or international standard and the company keeps a record of current standards. Current standards used for PPE are as follows:
o Coveralls
o Hand Gloves
o Safety Helmet
o Safety Goggles
o Ear Plugs
o Safety boots - Shoes.
o Rain Coat
o Masker
o Life Jacket
o First Aid box
The scope of this safety meeting includes:
8.1. HSE Committee
The Party Chief and the Section heads will hold an HSE committee meeting every other week to review crew HSE performance and plan further strategies in HSE matters.
8.2. Section HSE Meetings
Section HSE meetings will be convened once per month. Generally section supervisors chair these meetings although rotating the chair amongst senior staff members involved will increase safety involvement. The Section HSE meetings are to discuss relevant section HSE matters and to pass on comments and information from the Section Heads meetings.
If there are large numbers in any section it may be necessary to break down these meetings into smaller groups.
8.3. Toolbox HSE Meetings / Toolbox Meeting HSE
Every work unit will hold toolbox meetings on a daily basis. Further toolbox meetings will be held before the commencement of any unusual operations or whenever specific problems arise. Meetings will also be held after any incident or accident to disseminate information.
8.4. Safety Induction / Induksi K3LL
Knowing the scope of work and getting the picture about the things that will be done in the location; the worker will be given the safety induction. This matter has been done in each project which owned by the company. Safety Induction includes:
o Scope of work
o Preparation of crews
o Equipment preparation
o Method of work
o Execution of work
8.5. Safety Breifing
Before the workers leave and work in the location, the briefing must be done at first. This briefing aims to know about the workers preparation for working in the location. The briefings material includes some things that can be made as guidance by the workers in doing their tasks. The materials that be given in the form of :
o Standard Operating Procedure
o Communication
o Personal Protection Equipment
o Environment
o Near Miss
o House Keeping
o Hazard Potential
o Etc
8.6. Notice Boards
Notice boards will be used to pass on information at crew level
In order to the worker ability can expand, to entire/all worker, company perform some training program. From this program is worker domination to work area of each will always increase
9.1. Method of training
Awareness training will be provided by the processes of induction as described in detail in the crew procedures and outlined in the matrix below.
The provision of this information at the location that it is applicable with the equipment applicable to hand will enhance the effectiveness and improve retention. The participation in activities such as (simple) JSA’s to review procedures during the initial work commencement of each unit will provide valuable insight to the process and encourage recognition of involvement on the part of all.
Company HSE Supervisor will provide the two modules identified as being pertinent to all personnel in formal instruction. This will be conducted at the main camp after initial induction and before the labour depart for the field for the first time. Certificates of training will be issued and recorded.
9.2. Crew Training Matrix
Maintenance of the crew training matrix and records will be the responsibility of Party Chief and his line management. They will be assisted by the HSE personnel.
The module of training can be seen in the attachment F.
Several things which is discussed in a execution analyze danger and risk of HSE cover :
o Step of work.
o Appliance used a equipments goodness, other supply and machine.
o Indentify danger of arising out by people action, environmental work, appliance, material and object.
o Risk factor from each arising out danger
o Personal Protection Equipment and precaution which can be conducted to lessen generated risk.
o Someone who is responsible in every work step
At execution of work in location of project of JSA will be done by adjustment result of analysis of the risk and danger with condition in working location.
HSE auditing will be conducted by Daqing Citra of operations. Such audits will follow a process of review by management and follow-up, all of which will be documented..
HSE audits will be conducted at various levels within the company. Each level will depelop and document a scheme of audit types that may include Practical and Operational considerations.
The HSE and operational performance of the crew will be monitored on a daily basis by the Party Chief, Assistant Party Chief and Safety Officer through a combination of statistical observations and measurement of progress against target. The Senior Management and HSE personnel from COMPANY head office shall also monitor the HSE performance on a regular basis.
The entire machine and the works equipments that used in the location must do the safety inspection at first. This matter aims in order to make the machine and the works equipments are ready to use. The Safety Inspection is done by the Safety Officer cooperate with the Chief Mechanic. The inspection result poured completely in the checklist inspection.
From the Safety Audit, it will be seen wheater the safety planning that been made by the company has already worked well properly or not. The last result that has been reached is the reparation if there are insuffiency from finding of the audit
11.1. Pro-active Performance
o •Exposure Hours
o •Day without LTI
o •Km Driven
o •Km Seismic line
o •Positive contributions by crew
11.2. Realization against target
o Training
o Inspection
o Meeting
o Drills/exercises
11.3. Reactive Performance
o Lost Time Injury (LTI)
o Fatality (FAT)
o Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
o Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
o Restricted Work Case (RWC)
o Medical Treatment Case (MTC)
o First Aid Case (FAC)
o STOP Cards
o Near Miss
The Safety Report will be done in the form of daily notes, weekly notes and monthly notes. The Report format that been given consist of :
•The Work Activities
•The Working Hours, Safety Briefing, Near Miss, Number of Accident, Lost Work Days, etc.
•Key Performances Indicators
•The Safety Report will be collected so when it audited, it can be accountable.
The objectives of an incident and investigation report system are:
•To investigate all hazardous and potentially incidents at a level, depth and speed appropriate to their seriousness.
•After determining root causes, to take appropriate action to prevent the recurrence of incident or similar incidents.
•To communicate the findings of incident investigations, the conclusions reached and recommendation made to all appropriate personnel.
•To identify trends in a timely fashion and target areas of particular concern.
The form of incident and investigation report can be seen in the attachment D and E.
Management will instigate, maintain and periodecally test a arrangement to suport any emergency plans or arrangements set up by or for their work units. Such arrangement must by recorded with a simple and swift access provided to necessary data such as names and phone numbers and the procedure for activating and managing the arrangement.
This program is made by Daqing Citra with the means that if one day there was an emergency condition, such as fire, the workers can be accustomed. The evacuation Program will be explained and will be done in the training. The schema groove communications evacuate and the Careful Emergency Team can be seen in attachment F and G
The environmental settlement and hygiene work will be done by every Daqing Citra employee. The behavior of every employee must be oriented to the health and to the work safety. The Safety Officer will responsible for this activity implementation. The settlement of the appliances work and flammable substances / dangerous must be done by every employee. Inspection and audit must be done by The Safety Officer so that the repairing action can be done.
The environmental settlement and hygiene work is becoming our responsibilities.
Having the place for throwing the garbage as well as an organic or non organic, dry garbage as well as wet garbage must be the first priority.
If there is some environmental damage that caused by the company’s activities, it must had been responsible according to the procedure.
HSE Policy is representing the unity from POLICY OF QUALITY AND HSE ( Quality and HSE Policy ) from the company like the one that has been seen in attachment A : QHSE Policy.
Objectively, in doing some work activities, the targets that we want are zero accident, zero injury, and zero of troubles to the environment. Those three matters are representing company’s commitment in doing every project. To gaining those matters aren’t easy, it need some system and some good cooperation between the workers and the management.
Policy guidelines on health, safety and the environment
It is the policy of Company to conduct their activities in such a way as to take foremost account of the health and safety of their employees and of other persons, and to give proper regard to the conservation of the environment. They aim to be among the leaders in their respective in these matter
Company seek to conduct their activities in such aways as to avaoid harm to the health af to their employees and others, and to promote, as appropriate, the health of their employees.
Company work on the principle that all injuries should be prevented and actively promote among all those associated with their activities the high standards of safety consciousness and discipline that this principle demands.
Company will :
Aim to provide product and services supported with practical advice which, when used in accordance with this advise, will not cause injury or effect on the environment.
Promote protection of environments which may be affected by the development of their activities
and seek continues improvement in efficiency of use of natural resources and energy.
1.2 Common HSE aspects
Company will :
Assess health, safety environmental aspect before entering into new activities and reassess them incase of significant change in circumstances
Require contractors working on their behalf to apply health, safety and environmental standards fully compatible.
Develop and contingency procedure, in co-operation with authorities and emergencies services, in order to minimize harm from any accidents.
Development of improved regulations and industry standards which relate to health, safety and environmental matters.
Conduct or support research towards the improvement of health, safety and environmental aspects of their products, processes and operation
Hereinafter, to reach that objective goal, it formulated on the “Peraturan Dasar Keselamatan Kerja“ like the one that can be seen in attachment B :
The company must determining, documenting and announcing the responsibility, the authority and also the relating accountability which needed to implement the HSE Management System. The foundation of an HSE-MS is leadership and commitment from the top management of the company, and its readiness to provide adequate resources for HSE matters. Special attention is given by the Top of The Management in showing their real commitment, for example with:
Allocating the necessary resources, such as time and money, on HSE matters.
Putting HSE matters as the highest on the agenda of meeting from the board downwards
Setting personnel example in a day-to-day work
Being active in HSE activities and reviews, at both local and remote site .
Encourage the employees to give some ideas for performances steps repair.
Showing the special personnel as the Safety Officer whose undertaking as:
The special coordinator in implementing the HSE Management System and environmental conservancy which applied to all office staff as well as site workers. Applying for the field workers were started from the line supervisor and the field staff
Has responsible to control the implementation on the field in every day / week or every month, and also gives some guidance to all field employees from the supervisor until the helper. /.
Company Organization Structure can be seen in the attachment C
HSE Implementation is communicated to the workers by promoting the work culture in the company which supporting to the better HSE Management System performance attainment, where the HSE Management System can function effectively. In increasing the HSE Management System by pushing the cultural creation trusts on each other, by giving some motivation, by participating and commit:
In increasing the Company HSE Management System by growing the belief with trust attitude on each other, do not behave to blame is very effective for implement the HSE Management System..
Give some motivation to increase the HSE Management System Performances in individual ways based on the awareness and congeniality, and give some positive congeniality to emphasize the expected behavior and attitude.
The workers participation in every level by looking their opinion along with their involvement in developing the HSE Management System, and to provoke the input for the repair proposal.
The commitment from the workers in all levels is very important, so that the HSE Management System can be effectively functioned, start from growing the belief, giving some motivation and also participate actively.
The Company has already make the documentation of Standard Operation Procedure ( SOP ) and Work Instruction for every aspect of operation activity.
Management process of hazard and risk consist of 4 ( four ) steps:
o Systematic hazard identification.
o Evaluation for level of hazard
o Applying of Financial Control.
o The planning for Restoration.
This process is using a line of questions from every activity that has been done.
The data from every activity line can assert that those data has already loaded all of the activities which happened / has already done in some work. The risk and the danger management is poured in detail in Hazard Identification Risk And Risk Control (HIRARC).
For the planning phase of an operation can be effective, it should concern itself with the prevention of incidents through the elimination or control of hazards and the mitigation of consequences should the hazardous even occur. It follows that a process needs to be followed to systematically identify and assess hazards and develop the controls to manage those, which can not be eliminated.
This can be achieved by:
Using the developing company policies, standard and procedures
o Making a scouting visit to assess the situation on the field.
o Study of legislation and supporting approved codes of practice.
o A through analysis of the particular operation.
o A study of accident, incident and ill health data from previous operations.
6.1. Operation plan
Experience has shown that HSE performance can be optimized through a structured planning process, which includes :
o Comprehensive operational pre-planning incorporating HSE measures to manage identified hazards.
o Verification of equipment safety standard before operation start-up.
o Verifying that an effective HSE Management System is in place before start –up.
o An HSE management training programme aimed at senior line management and direct supervisor. This training would include such topics as Job Hazard Analysis, Unsafe Act Auditing, Safety Training Observation Programme, Waste management and an understanding of factors, which affect behavior.
o Regular Audit and inspection from management according to planned schedule and focusing on HSE Management.
6.2. HSE plan
Effective planning is essential for all aspects of the business, with plans based upon known and researched information, and reasoned assumptions. A plan for sustained improvement is contained in the HSE plan..
The HSE Management System will set out the targets and the ways to gain it, to identify the parties which act along with specify the sighting process..
The HSE Plan is developed from such things as :
o Requirements carried over from the previous year’s plan.
o Audit and inspection findings.
o Incident findings.
o Accident investigation findings.
o HSE Suggestions from the employee .
o Management review action items
6.3. HSE Targets
It is essential to set HSE targets that are accepted by management and employees as achievable. Typically, a progressively reducing target is set., which in the long term will lead to accident free performance. Realistic targets can only be set after assessing the scope of work for the period under review and allocating tasks to manage such work. The only way to reach a HSE target is to manage effectively risks, which threaten its achievement. Effective management demands that hazards and their controls shall, so far as possible, be addressed in the planning process.
Staff reports shall include HSE-related targets or tasks against which performance can be measured. These should be cascaded down from departments should nor be demanded without giving individuals the tools to do the job, such as training and proper equipment.
Com pany will ensure that all any PPE that is provided and or used will be:
o Appropriate
o Of good quality
o In sufficient quantity
The requirement for any additional protective equipment is continually assessed by the employees and line supervisor. All PPE complies with recognized national or international standard and the company keeps a record of current standards. Current standards used for PPE are as follows:
o Coveralls
o Hand Gloves
o Safety Helmet
o Safety Goggles
o Ear Plugs
o Safety boots - Shoes.
o Rain Coat
o Masker
o Life Jacket
o First Aid box
The scope of this safety meeting includes:
8.1. HSE Committee
The Party Chief and the Section heads will hold an HSE committee meeting every other week to review crew HSE performance and plan further strategies in HSE matters.
8.2. Section HSE Meetings
Section HSE meetings will be convened once per month. Generally section supervisors chair these meetings although rotating the chair amongst senior staff members involved will increase safety involvement. The Section HSE meetings are to discuss relevant section HSE matters and to pass on comments and information from the Section Heads meetings.
If there are large numbers in any section it may be necessary to break down these meetings into smaller groups.
8.3. Toolbox HSE Meetings / Toolbox Meeting HSE
Every work unit will hold toolbox meetings on a daily basis. Further toolbox meetings will be held before the commencement of any unusual operations or whenever specific problems arise. Meetings will also be held after any incident or accident to disseminate information.
8.4. Safety Induction / Induksi K3LL
Knowing the scope of work and getting the picture about the things that will be done in the location; the worker will be given the safety induction. This matter has been done in each project which owned by the company. Safety Induction includes:
o Scope of work
o Preparation of crews
o Equipment preparation
o Method of work
o Execution of work
8.5. Safety Breifing
Before the workers leave and work in the location, the briefing must be done at first. This briefing aims to know about the workers preparation for working in the location. The briefings material includes some things that can be made as guidance by the workers in doing their tasks. The materials that be given in the form of :
o Standard Operating Procedure
o Communication
o Personal Protection Equipment
o Environment
o Near Miss
o House Keeping
o Hazard Potential
o Etc
8.6. Notice Boards
Notice boards will be used to pass on information at crew level
In order to the worker ability can expand, to entire/all worker, company perform some training program. From this program is worker domination to work area of each will always increase
9.1. Method of training
Awareness training will be provided by the processes of induction as described in detail in the crew procedures and outlined in the matrix below.
The provision of this information at the location that it is applicable with the equipment applicable to hand will enhance the effectiveness and improve retention. The participation in activities such as (simple) JSA’s to review procedures during the initial work commencement of each unit will provide valuable insight to the process and encourage recognition of involvement on the part of all.
Company HSE Supervisor will provide the two modules identified as being pertinent to all personnel in formal instruction. This will be conducted at the main camp after initial induction and before the labour depart for the field for the first time. Certificates of training will be issued and recorded.
9.2. Crew Training Matrix
Maintenance of the crew training matrix and records will be the responsibility of Party Chief and his line management. They will be assisted by the HSE personnel.
The module of training can be seen in the attachment F.
Several things which is discussed in a execution analyze danger and risk of HSE cover :
o Step of work.
o Appliance used a equipments goodness, other supply and machine.
o Indentify danger of arising out by people action, environmental work, appliance, material and object.
o Risk factor from each arising out danger
o Personal Protection Equipment and precaution which can be conducted to lessen generated risk.
o Someone who is responsible in every work step
At execution of work in location of project of JSA will be done by adjustment result of analysis of the risk and danger with condition in working location.
HSE auditing will be conducted by Daqing Citra of operations. Such audits will follow a process of review by management and follow-up, all of which will be documented..
HSE audits will be conducted at various levels within the company. Each level will depelop and document a scheme of audit types that may include Practical and Operational considerations.
The HSE and operational performance of the crew will be monitored on a daily basis by the Party Chief, Assistant Party Chief and Safety Officer through a combination of statistical observations and measurement of progress against target. The Senior Management and HSE personnel from COMPANY head office shall also monitor the HSE performance on a regular basis.
The entire machine and the works equipments that used in the location must do the safety inspection at first. This matter aims in order to make the machine and the works equipments are ready to use. The Safety Inspection is done by the Safety Officer cooperate with the Chief Mechanic. The inspection result poured completely in the checklist inspection.
From the Safety Audit, it will be seen wheater the safety planning that been made by the company has already worked well properly or not. The last result that has been reached is the reparation if there are insuffiency from finding of the audit
11.1. Pro-active Performance
o •Exposure Hours
o •Day without LTI
o •Km Driven
o •Km Seismic line
o •Positive contributions by crew
11.2. Realization against target
o Training
o Inspection
o Meeting
o Drills/exercises
11.3. Reactive Performance
o Lost Time Injury (LTI)
o Fatality (FAT)
o Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
o Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
o Restricted Work Case (RWC)
o Medical Treatment Case (MTC)
o First Aid Case (FAC)
o STOP Cards
o Near Miss
The Safety Report will be done in the form of daily notes, weekly notes and monthly notes. The Report format that been given consist of :
•The Work Activities
•The Working Hours, Safety Briefing, Near Miss, Number of Accident, Lost Work Days, etc.
•Key Performances Indicators
•The Safety Report will be collected so when it audited, it can be accountable.
The objectives of an incident and investigation report system are:
•To investigate all hazardous and potentially incidents at a level, depth and speed appropriate to their seriousness.
•After determining root causes, to take appropriate action to prevent the recurrence of incident or similar incidents.
•To communicate the findings of incident investigations, the conclusions reached and recommendation made to all appropriate personnel.
•To identify trends in a timely fashion and target areas of particular concern.
The form of incident and investigation report can be seen in the attachment D and E.
Management will instigate, maintain and periodecally test a arrangement to suport any emergency plans or arrangements set up by or for their work units. Such arrangement must by recorded with a simple and swift access provided to necessary data such as names and phone numbers and the procedure for activating and managing the arrangement.
This program is made by Daqing Citra with the means that if one day there was an emergency condition, such as fire, the workers can be accustomed. The evacuation Program will be explained and will be done in the training. The schema groove communications evacuate and the Careful Emergency Team can be seen in attachment F and G
The environmental settlement and hygiene work will be done by every Daqing Citra employee. The behavior of every employee must be oriented to the health and to the work safety. The Safety Officer will responsible for this activity implementation. The settlement of the appliances work and flammable substances / dangerous must be done by every employee. Inspection and audit must be done by The Safety Officer so that the repairing action can be done.
The environmental settlement and hygiene work is becoming our responsibilities.
Having the place for throwing the garbage as well as an organic or non organic, dry garbage as well as wet garbage must be the first priority.
If there is some environmental damage that caused by the company’s activities, it must had been responsible according to the procedure.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism to perform the shothole drilling to ensure its continuing suitability and controlled.
The scope of this process covers all aspects with shothole drilling operation, including field orientation, prepare water source, drilling and prepare preloading.
Interface documents are defined as MS documents that have direct links; either by reference, input or output. Interface documents with this Management Procedure are:
3.1 Level 1 – Management Manual Interfaces
• Management Manual
• QHSE Policy
3.2 Level 2 – Standard Operation Procedures
• Preloading Operation
• Shothole drilling & preloading field work
3.3 Level 3 – Work Instruction or Form interfaces
• Shothole drilling daily report
• Shothole drilling log
• Document retention and archive periods
Driller studies the survey map, line program, and sketch line the area.
Perhatikan peta program survei seismic, program lintasan yang harus dikerjakan dan sketsa lintasan.
Driller, Shoter and Crew coordinator conduct field orientation to ensure position of hole program, access, source of water, and potential problem operation.
Sebelum melakukan pemboran driller, koordinator bor dan shooter preloading melakukan orientasi lapangan untuk memastikan posisi-posisi lubang bor, akses jalan, sumber air pemboran dan kendala yang mungkin akan timbul.
On the no water sources area, driller prepare temporary water tank and make a planning use water tank and water relay. Driller shall get permit from owner if use water well.
Pada daerah yang tidak ada sumber air sama sekali segera dibuat perencanaan tampungan air dengan terpal, rencana penggunaan tangki air dan water relay. Mintalah ijin dahulu kepada pemiliknya bila diperlukan mengambil air dari sumur atau bendungan milik penduduk.
Driller ensure that quantity and quality of all equipment complete for one unit, including fuel and addatives will used.
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan di lintasan harus melakukan pengecekan Jumlah dan kondisi peralatan bor secara komplit untuk satu unit, stok bahan bakar dan minyak pelumas serta stok additive yang digunakan (bentonite dan polimer)
Driller ensure that number of crew is complete. None of crew have number exactly including their own support like water relay and preloading. All worker must use work and personal safety equipment.
Pastikan jumlah kru yang bekerja sesuai dengan ketentuan. Setiap 1 unit drilling terdiri dari sejumlah kru yang telah ditentukan, termasuk kru water relay dan kru preloading. Setiap pekerja harus dilengkapi perlengkapan kerja dan keselamatan.
Hardhats and work boots must be worn when working at all times.
Helem dan sepatu kerja harus selalu dipakai saat bekerja.
Driller ensures that SP will drilled is correct as program. All drilling station markers (shotpoints) are painted red
Pastikan posisi SP yang akan dikerjakan. Semua titik lubang bor bercat merah.
Any parts of lines that is missing more than 3 shot point markers in line must be resurveyed you must call Base camp and advise them to send the survey crew.
Setiap lintasan yang tanda patok SP nya hilang lebih dari 3 harus di survei ulang. Panggil Base Camp dan beritahukan agar dikirimkan kru survei.
Driller performs distance from SP position to nearest civil construction, comply with safety distance and considered surface condition and subsurface outcrop. If not safety, Driller will make offset or compensation hole.
Cek SP yang akan dikerjakan terhadap kondisi bangunan sekitar. Lihat tabel jarak aman. Perhatikan keadaan permukaan dan singkapan batuan sekitar. Bila tidak aman lakukan offset atau kompensasi.
All compensated or offset shot holes must be surveyed call base camp if required and the survey crew will be sent to your location.
Setiap lubang bor yang dikompensasi atau diofset harus disurvey lagi. Panggil base camp jika diperlukan dan kru survei akan dikirimkan ke lokasi anda.
Shot point markers must not be moved offset the drill location away from the marker do not move the marker.
Patok tanda SP tidak boleh dipindahkan walaupun lokasi bor dioffset dari patok SP, patok tersebut jangan dipindahkan.
The shotholes must be drilled within a 2 meter radius of the station marker (shotpoint).
Lubang tembak harus dibor dengan radius 2 meter dari titik tembak.
Try to walk along the seismic whenever possible. Don’t destroy the levy banks around the rice fields. Walk along the seismic line.
Usahakan hanya lewat lintasan seismic sebisa mungkin. Jangan merusak tanggul disekitar sawah. Berjalan disepanjang lintasan seismic saja.
All holes will be drilled using the two hole system. One big slush pit hole and one small hole for the cuttings.
Semua akan dibor memakai sistim dua lubang. Satu lubang besar untuk slush pit dan satu lubang untuk kating.
Drilling technic must comply with soil/rock formation. Drilling perform with correct technic, including using drill bit, addative (polymer,mud, etc.), or washing. Change the drill bit or any equipment if not comply it.
Lakukan teknis pemboran seusai kondisi batuan. Selama pemboran berlangsung harus dilakukan teknik pemboran yang benar, baik penggunaan jenis mata bor, bahan kimia (polimer ) dan teknik pembersihan lubang bor. Ganti peralatan bila tidak sesuai.
See drill cutting carefully. Drill log reported every 5 (five) m depth.
Perhatikan cutting bor. Catat kondisi bawah kedalaman setiap 5 (lima) m kedalaman.
All shot holes must be drilled as per contract depth meters.
Semua lubang bor harus dibor seperti tercantum dalam kontrak. .
Any adjacent shot hole with a stuck charge one of the shot holes must be re-drilled. Offset 7 meters from the first hole and drill the second hole mark the holes as hole A and hole B
Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak secara otomatis harus di bor ulang. Offset 7 m dari lubang pertama dan bor lubang kedua dan beri tanda sebagai lubang A dan lubang B. Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak harus di bor ulang.
All shot holes that can not be drilled to the contract depth you must have approval from the QC Supervisor before any such hole is loaded
Setiap lubang bor yang tidak dapat dibor sesuai kedalaman pada kontrak harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari senior JOB-PPEJ QC Supervisor sebelum dilakukan pengisian.
Withdraw pipe must be conducted with correct technic and comply with rock formation.
Pencabutan pipa bor harus dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar sesuai dengan kondisi batuan dalam lubang.
Any oil or gas shows must be reported immediately by radio. Move your men well away from the hole, move up wind. Do not go back to the hole until the drilling supervisor arrived from base camp with the HSE people.
Jika ada tanda – tanda minyak atau gas segera laporkan lewat radio. Pindahkan semua orang ke tempat yang aman, berlawanan arah angin. Jangan kembali ke lubang tersebut sampai supervisor drilling dan orang HSE tiba dari base camp.
Driller ensure that preloading crew is ready before withdrwing pipe.
Pastikan regu preloading sudah siap ditempat sebelum pencabutan pipa.
All slush pits must be back filled after the drilling is completed at the shot point.
Semua lubang slas pit harus ditutup kembali setelah selesai dibor.
When the drilling crew have completed the shothole, they must all move away from the shothole taking with them all hot equipment, which includes power rig, mud pump and fuel containers, other equipment can remain, however it must be moved away from the hole giving the preloading crew clear access.
Pada saat drilling selesai mengebor lubang, mereka harus menjauh dari posisi lubang tersebut dengan membawa semua peralatan mereka yang panas, termasuk power rig, mud pump dan tangki-tangki minyak, alat – alat yang lain bisa tinggal, namun harus tetap jauh dari lubang sehingga tidak menghalangi kru preloaing.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a mechanism to perform the shothole drilling to ensure its continuing suitability and controlled.
The scope of this process covers all aspects with shothole drilling operation, including field orientation, prepare water source, drilling and prepare preloading.
Interface documents are defined as MS documents that have direct links; either by reference, input or output. Interface documents with this Management Procedure are:
3.1 Level 1 – Management Manual Interfaces
• Management Manual
• QHSE Policy
3.2 Level 2 – Standard Operation Procedures
• Preloading Operation
• Shothole drilling & preloading field work
3.3 Level 3 – Work Instruction or Form interfaces
• Shothole drilling daily report
• Shothole drilling log
• Document retention and archive periods
Driller studies the survey map, line program, and sketch line the area.
Perhatikan peta program survei seismic, program lintasan yang harus dikerjakan dan sketsa lintasan.
Driller, Shoter and Crew coordinator conduct field orientation to ensure position of hole program, access, source of water, and potential problem operation.
Sebelum melakukan pemboran driller, koordinator bor dan shooter preloading melakukan orientasi lapangan untuk memastikan posisi-posisi lubang bor, akses jalan, sumber air pemboran dan kendala yang mungkin akan timbul.
On the no water sources area, driller prepare temporary water tank and make a planning use water tank and water relay. Driller shall get permit from owner if use water well.
Pada daerah yang tidak ada sumber air sama sekali segera dibuat perencanaan tampungan air dengan terpal, rencana penggunaan tangki air dan water relay. Mintalah ijin dahulu kepada pemiliknya bila diperlukan mengambil air dari sumur atau bendungan milik penduduk.
Driller ensure that quantity and quality of all equipment complete for one unit, including fuel and addatives will used.
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan di lintasan harus melakukan pengecekan Jumlah dan kondisi peralatan bor secara komplit untuk satu unit, stok bahan bakar dan minyak pelumas serta stok additive yang digunakan (bentonite dan polimer)
Driller ensure that number of crew is complete. None of crew have number exactly including their own support like water relay and preloading. All worker must use work and personal safety equipment.
Pastikan jumlah kru yang bekerja sesuai dengan ketentuan. Setiap 1 unit drilling terdiri dari sejumlah kru yang telah ditentukan, termasuk kru water relay dan kru preloading. Setiap pekerja harus dilengkapi perlengkapan kerja dan keselamatan.
Hardhats and work boots must be worn when working at all times.
Helem dan sepatu kerja harus selalu dipakai saat bekerja.
Driller ensures that SP will drilled is correct as program. All drilling station markers (shotpoints) are painted red
Pastikan posisi SP yang akan dikerjakan. Semua titik lubang bor bercat merah.
Any parts of lines that is missing more than 3 shot point markers in line must be resurveyed you must call Base camp and advise them to send the survey crew.
Setiap lintasan yang tanda patok SP nya hilang lebih dari 3 harus di survei ulang. Panggil Base Camp dan beritahukan agar dikirimkan kru survei.
Driller performs distance from SP position to nearest civil construction, comply with safety distance and considered surface condition and subsurface outcrop. If not safety, Driller will make offset or compensation hole.
Cek SP yang akan dikerjakan terhadap kondisi bangunan sekitar. Lihat tabel jarak aman. Perhatikan keadaan permukaan dan singkapan batuan sekitar. Bila tidak aman lakukan offset atau kompensasi.
All compensated or offset shot holes must be surveyed call base camp if required and the survey crew will be sent to your location.
Setiap lubang bor yang dikompensasi atau diofset harus disurvey lagi. Panggil base camp jika diperlukan dan kru survei akan dikirimkan ke lokasi anda.
Shot point markers must not be moved offset the drill location away from the marker do not move the marker.
Patok tanda SP tidak boleh dipindahkan walaupun lokasi bor dioffset dari patok SP, patok tersebut jangan dipindahkan.
The shotholes must be drilled within a 2 meter radius of the station marker (shotpoint).
Lubang tembak harus dibor dengan radius 2 meter dari titik tembak.
Try to walk along the seismic whenever possible. Don’t destroy the levy banks around the rice fields. Walk along the seismic line.
Usahakan hanya lewat lintasan seismic sebisa mungkin. Jangan merusak tanggul disekitar sawah. Berjalan disepanjang lintasan seismic saja.
All holes will be drilled using the two hole system. One big slush pit hole and one small hole for the cuttings.
Semua akan dibor memakai sistim dua lubang. Satu lubang besar untuk slush pit dan satu lubang untuk kating.
Drilling technic must comply with soil/rock formation. Drilling perform with correct technic, including using drill bit, addative (polymer,mud, etc.), or washing. Change the drill bit or any equipment if not comply it.
Lakukan teknis pemboran seusai kondisi batuan. Selama pemboran berlangsung harus dilakukan teknik pemboran yang benar, baik penggunaan jenis mata bor, bahan kimia (polimer ) dan teknik pembersihan lubang bor. Ganti peralatan bila tidak sesuai.
See drill cutting carefully. Drill log reported every 5 (five) m depth.
Perhatikan cutting bor. Catat kondisi bawah kedalaman setiap 5 (lima) m kedalaman.
All shot holes must be drilled as per contract depth meters.
Semua lubang bor harus dibor seperti tercantum dalam kontrak. .
Any adjacent shot hole with a stuck charge one of the shot holes must be re-drilled. Offset 7 meters from the first hole and drill the second hole mark the holes as hole A and hole B
Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak secara otomatis harus di bor ulang. Offset 7 m dari lubang pertama dan bor lubang kedua dan beri tanda sebagai lubang A dan lubang B. Setiap lubang bor yang mengalami stak harus di bor ulang.
All shot holes that can not be drilled to the contract depth you must have approval from the QC Supervisor before any such hole is loaded
Setiap lubang bor yang tidak dapat dibor sesuai kedalaman pada kontrak harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari senior JOB-PPEJ QC Supervisor sebelum dilakukan pengisian.
Withdraw pipe must be conducted with correct technic and comply with rock formation.
Pencabutan pipa bor harus dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar sesuai dengan kondisi batuan dalam lubang.
Any oil or gas shows must be reported immediately by radio. Move your men well away from the hole, move up wind. Do not go back to the hole until the drilling supervisor arrived from base camp with the HSE people.
Jika ada tanda – tanda minyak atau gas segera laporkan lewat radio. Pindahkan semua orang ke tempat yang aman, berlawanan arah angin. Jangan kembali ke lubang tersebut sampai supervisor drilling dan orang HSE tiba dari base camp.
Driller ensure that preloading crew is ready before withdrwing pipe.
Pastikan regu preloading sudah siap ditempat sebelum pencabutan pipa.
All slush pits must be back filled after the drilling is completed at the shot point.
Semua lubang slas pit harus ditutup kembali setelah selesai dibor.
When the drilling crew have completed the shothole, they must all move away from the shothole taking with them all hot equipment, which includes power rig, mud pump and fuel containers, other equipment can remain, however it must be moved away from the hole giving the preloading crew clear access.
Pada saat drilling selesai mengebor lubang, mereka harus menjauh dari posisi lubang tersebut dengan membawa semua peralatan mereka yang panas, termasuk power rig, mud pump dan tangki-tangki minyak, alat – alat yang lain bisa tinggal, namun harus tetap jauh dari lubang sehingga tidak menghalangi kru preloaing.
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